Servanthood and Stewardship: Right Thinking About Christian Leaders Calvary Chapel Newnan
1 Corinthians 4:1-5 (4/18/2021) Pastor Joel Dover
Servanthood and Stewardship
Right Thinking About Christian Leaders
1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Getting Started:
1. As we think back about the weekend service, what one idea stood out to you the
most? Was there one thing that was a breakthrough moment for you?
2. Is there one big idea that you want to discuss this week...something that you
have been thinking about all week long?
3. Was there anything from Sunday’s message that you really agreed or disagreed
with? What was it and why?
Exploring the Text:
1. Paul taught the Corinthians how to have the right thinking about their Christian
Leaders. He emphasised two “S” words...Servanthood and Stewardship. How
would Paul define these terms if he were in our meeting? How would you define
them in your own words?
2. Paul told the Corinthians to “reckon” He, Peter, and Apollos as “servants” of
Christ. Is this idea of “reckoning” a passive idea or an active one? In other
words, is this an automatic thing, or is this an active idea that we have to be
mindful to maintain?
3. Ephesians 4:11-12 is a closely related passage to our focal text this week. In
that text there are two “E” words that describe the work of Ministry Leaders.
What are the two “E” words, and how are these ideas similar to the ideas of
Servanthood and Stewardship in 1 Corinthians 4?
4. What is a healthy and Biblical way to think about our Pastors in relationship to
their service unto the Lord? It is Biblically correct to view our Pastors as simply
employees of the church...hirelings of the Board? If not, what is a better way to
view their relationship with the body?
Servanthood and Stewardship: Right Thinking About Christian Leaders Calvary Chapel Newnan
1 Corinthians 4:1-5 (4/18/2021) Pastor Joel Dover
5. Here’s a hypothetical situation: The Redemption Church Board decided at last
month’s business meeting that more music and less preaching would more
quickly make the church grow. After the meeting, the Board sent a memo to the
Pastor instructing him to reduce his sermons to no more than 12 minutes each
week. He was also informed that once per month the church would have no
Bible teaching and just have a music service. Pastor Smith was conflicted about
this decision because God had been leading Him in his prayer life to teach an
in-depth expository study on Sunday Mornings through the Book of Hebrews.
Since the board and the Pastor have different visions of what the church should
do, how should each party proceed? According to the Bible, who is ultimately
responsible to the Lord for the decision? Hint: Hebrews 13:17
6. Pastor Joel shared a definition of Stewardship from Larry Pierce: A manager,
superintendent to whom the head of the house or proprietor has entrusted the
management of his affairs, the care of receipts and expenditures, and the duty of
dealing out the proper portion to every servant and even to the children not yet of
age. How does this definition help us as a group to understand the stewardship
responsibility of our Ministry Leaders? What does this look like practically in
regards to the ministry of our church?
7. Paul spoke of the “mystery” that he and others helped to steward. Let’s unpack what ways was/is the gospel a mystery? How have we come to see the
mystery that was concealed by so many others? Hint: Romans 16:25-26
8. In light of the reality that we will all ultimately answer to God, and that He is our
judge, how did Paul teach us to handle the various opinions of others? How
should this help us to “check” our opinions of others...including our Pastors?
How should this help us to respond when others have opinions of us?
9. Paul taught the Corinthians to wait for God to judge His servants...and that we
are not to judge one another before the time. Have you ever been in a situation
where people were too quick to judge, and what did hasty judgments cost those
who were involved?
Digging Deeper:
1. Am I thinking of my Pastors/Ministry Leaders as servants of Jesus/stewards of
the mysteries of God...or as something else? Does my perspective/belief of what
a Pastor should be/do align with what God has actually called my Pastor to
Servanthood and Stewardship: Right Thinking About Christian Leaders Calvary Chapel Newnan
1 Corinthians 4:1-5 (4/18/2021) Pastor Joel Dover
2. Am I cognizant that my opinions and God’s perspectives may not always be one
in the same? Can I recognize that our Pastors need to be dialed in firstly to what
God says...and not to the opinions/traditions/customs of the body?
3. Am I committed to let each person stand before the Lord’s judgment at the
proper time, and to refrain from either over abundant praise, or copious criticism
of our Pastors and Ministry Leaders?