Seeing Clearly in an Unclear World
Mark 8:22-26 (6/6/2021) Guest Teacher: Ashley Stapleton
Seeing Clearly in an Unclear World
Mark 8:22-26
Getting Started:
1. Let’s begin by re-reading Mark 8:22-26 and refresh our memories about
this week’s focal text. Take your time and really let the text sink in.
2. Did you learn anything new from this week’s message that you want to share with
the group? How were you challenged? What one thing really stood out to you?
3. Was there anything that you heartily agreed or disagreed with in this week’s
sermon...and why?
Exploring the Text:
1. Jesus performed many miracles before the healing of the blind man in two
stages. Name a few. Hint: You can start at the end of Chapter 7 but there were
many more after that.
2. How many times do you observe the word seeing, or looking in this chapter?
What conclusions can you draw from it?
3. What was Jesus' attitude in verses 14-21? Mark shows Jesus' human side, how
is this relevant to how we view Jesus today?
4. Have you ever been in a situation where God was doing something that you did
not understand, but later realized what He was doing? (Seeing in two parts)
5. Pastor Joel said, "Salvation is the starting point" How is this reflected in verses
6. How did the disciples view Jesus in v. 27-30? Were there eyes opened fully to
what he came to do?
Seeing Clearly in an Unclear World
Mark 8:22-26 (6/6/2021) Guest Teacher: Ashley Stapleton
7. Finally, finish 31-33, describe Peter's encounter. Specifically look at the two
Digging Deeper:
1. Go to Acts Chapter 1. What changes do you observe now compared to when the
disciples were with Jesus. What does the Bible say about their comprehension