Read Proverbs 6:6-8
This month is all about initiative which is seeing
what needs to be done and doing it! Seeing a
need is only half the battle. In order to show real
initiative, we actually have to get busy and help!
When it comes to showing initiative, we can’t wait
for someone else to do what needs to be done.
Even if it’s not your mess. Even if you have other
more fun things to do. God wants you to see a
need and do something to help.
Use the code below to find out what were
learning about initiative this week.
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) > { = > * = = / ) = : >
^ > - ~ + : * = = ^ )
: > # = ^ > * =
Read Galatians 6:2
Taking initiative requires seeing a need and
doing something about it. What does it look like
to see a need? When do you know someone is in
need? As our verse describes, it might look like
someone carrying something heavy or it just
might be noticing when a friend needs extra
encouragement to finish a math problem. Don’t
wait for someone else to do what needs to be
done. Take initiative to solve the problem.
In the spaces below, fill in how you could take
initiative for each example:
Your teacher is getting ready to lead the class to
the library with a mountain of book in his hands.
Your grandparent just got back from the grocery
store and all the groceries are on the counter.
Your friend just found out they won’t be on the
team they worked really hard to make.
This week, continue to look for ways you can
take initiative and care for someone else.
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# B
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- W
Initiative is seeing what needs
to be done and doing it.
A Devotional on Initiative
There’s More!
Week One K-5th GradeSeptember 2021
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Dont wait for someone
else to do what needs
to be done.
Read 1 John 3:17
Have you ever watched a movie where someone
needed help and people walked right by without
helping? How did that make you feel? Were you
frustrated? Maybe you even yelled at the screen,
“Stop! That guy needs help!
It’s pretty easy to point out when other people
do this. But how about when it’s you? Are you
tempted to sit back and let someone else deal
with it?
When we see a job that needs to be done, the best
thing we can do is to show initiative and help.
And what’s even better, when you step forward to
help, you show others God’s love for them. Pretty
cool, huh?
Helping Hearts
Grab some paper and scissors.
Cut out several hearts.
When you see something that needs to be
done or someone that needs help, step up!
Write down what you did or who you helped
on each heart and stack them up somewhere
in your room.
At the end of the week, read through your
hearts and thank God for the opportunity to
share His love with others.
Read Nehemiah 2:4-5
When Nehemiah found out about the broken-
down walls and the situation happening in his
hometown, he was sad and upset. He could have
said, “Im so sad to hear this news. I hope someone
steps up to help.” But he didn’t. Nehemiah was
brave enough to tell the king (his boss) what was
happening. He had no idea how the king would
respond. We know the rest of the story. The King
agreed that he should go and even gave him what
he needed so he could. Nehemiah didn’t wait for
someone else to do what needed to be done. And
you shouldn’t either.
Ask God to help you remove all the excuses
when you see there’s a job to be done.