The legal name of this church will be the Emmanuel Baptist Church of Bloomington, Indiana,
Incorporated having been organized February 9, 1958 and incorporated May 19, 1963. The
church is also referred to as Emmanuel or Emmanuel Church.
Emmanuel exists to glorify God. We purpose to make Him known in our community and the
world by proclaiming and living God's Word. Therefore, by God's grace, nonbelievers will trust
the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and believers will be established in the faith and equipped for
ministry to others.
This church is associated with the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, the
Crossroads Fellowship of Churches and the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana. Emmanuel
can only be associated with other ministry organizations if the council of elders determines that
such associations are in agreement with our Statement of Faith.
Section 1: Emmanuel invites any person, at least 16 years old, professing faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ as Savior, having been baptized by immersion after salvation, and willing to be governed
by the Constitution, the Covenant and the Statement of Faith is invited to become a member of
this church. The person will complete a church membership application and complete a
membership interview with a member of the council of elders. If the interview is satisfactory,
the person will be accepted into membership by a majority vote of the council of elders.
Section 2: A member must be subject to the lordship of Christ as revealed in the Bible. A
member must also be regularly involved in the life of the church. Only a member may be the
leader of an ongoing church ministry, and only a member may vote.
Section 3: Any member, not in the process of discipline in accordance with Matthew 18:15-20
and Galatians 6:1-5, may resign without a congregational vote. A member not responding to
discipline in accordance with Matthew 18:15-20 and Galatians 6:1-5 or not regularly involved in
the life of the church will, upon recommendation from the council of elders, be removed from
membership by a majority vote of the church.
Section 4: Associate membership is available for anyone who temporarily comes to
Bloomington for educational, vocational, or personal reasons but wishes to remain a member
of another church. The procedure for becoming an associate member as well as the
responsibilities and the privileges are the same as for regular membership. Associate members
will be removed from membership upon the expiration of their time in Bloomington.
Section 1: Officers of this church will include elders, deacons, clerk, treasurer, financial
secretaries and auditors. Elders who are paid by the church for their role as an elder will be
called pastors. The church may have as many elders and deacons as deemed necessary by the
congregation with a recommendation of a minimum of three elders and three deacons. The
council of elders should have at least as many elders as there are pastors. All church officers are
responsible to the oversight of the council of elders.
Section 2: The council of elders will form ministry teams to enable the church to fulfill its
purpose. When necessary, a pastor search team will be formed. All ministry teams are
responsible to the council of elders.
Section 3: All officers, except pastors, must have been a member of the church for at least one
year. Officers' lives must demonstrate spiritual maturity and agreement with the Constitution,
the Covenant and the Statement of Faith. In addition, elders must be men whose lives are
characterized by the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. Deacons’ lives must be
characterized by the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:8-12. An office will remain vacant if there are
no qualified candidates.
Section 4: Nominations for all officers may be made in writing to the council of elders by any
member. The council of elders will review these nominations according to the qualifications for
the office and formulate a ballot. Nominees will be elected by a majority of votes cast by the
congregation. A member can only hold one office at a time.
Section 5: Nominations for pastors will be made to the congregation by the council of elders. A
congregational meeting for a vote will be announced at least two weeks in advance. A three-
fourths majority of votes cast is required to hire a pastor. Pastors automatically become
members of the church.
Section 6: New paid staff positions may be recommended to the council of elders by any
member. The council of elders will consider the recommendation and may bring a motion to
the congregation. The council of elders will hire persons to fill these positions. Persons hired
will be responsible to a designated church officer.
Section 1: The council of elders is responsible to lovingly lead, faithfully feed, practically care for
and diligently protect the congregation. This includes but is not limited to: the overall
leadership of the church, the public and private ministry of prayer and God’s Word, the
shepherding of the congregation, the protection of the church from false teaching, the
visitation of those who are sick, the development of an annual budget, the oversight of church
finances according to the approved budget, the evangelistic outreach of the church and the
accountability of the church to God and to the government. The council of elders will also
ensure that the church communicates well at all levels and will be wholehearted champions of
the pastors, paid staff and leaders of the church. The council of elders will meet as often as they
deem necessary to fulfill their responsibilities and will work with the deacons to meet needs in
the congregation and plan for the future needs of the church.
Section 2: Elders will be given specific areas of responsibility and accountability through
ministry descriptions. They are to assist each other in carrying out their assigned duties.
Section 3: The deacons will serve the church through meeting needs according to God’s Word.
This includes but is not limited to: ensuring that adequate property and casualty insurance is in
force, maintaining building and grounds in a state conducive to the ministry of the church,
planning for future needs of the ministry and ensuring that all uses of the church facilities are
consistent with the mission of the church. The deacons will receive designated offerings,
disburse them as needs arise and report receipts and disbursements to the council of elders
and to the congregation in summary form. The deacons will encourage fellowship and
hospitality in the congregation. The deacons will meet as often as they deem necessary to fulfill
their responsibilities and will work with the council of elders to meet needs in the congregation
and plan for the future needs of the church.
Section 4: The church clerk will prepare accurate minutes of all church family meetings.
Section 5: The financial secretaries will count offerings, deposit offerings in the church's bank
account, keep accurate and confidential records of all offerings received, give receipts annually
to donors and report, in summary form, to the council of elders as requested.
Section 6: The treasurer will disburse funds according to vouchers prepared by a church staff
member and approved by a council of elders designee, reconcile the monthly bank statement
with oversight by a council of elders designee; and provide a monthly balance sheet, operating
statement and other reports to the council of elders, as requested, and to the congregation at
quarterly congregational meetings.
Section 7: Auditors will annually audit financial records, using appropriate methods to assure
appropriate financial controls and report their findings to the council of elders. The council of
elders will deliver the findings of the report to the congregation during one of the regularly
scheduled congregational meetings.
Section 1 There is no time-limit on a pastor's term of office. To resign voluntarily, a pastor must
give at least two months’ notice to the council of elders.
Section 2 Elders, deacons, financial secretaries and auditors will serve a three-year term of
office and may serve consecutive terms. The terms will be staggered so that one-third of the
officers will end each year. The treasurer and clerk will serve one-year terms and may serve
consecutive terms. Should an office be vacated early, a special election will take place to
replace the officer as soon as possible.
Section 3 A person with a charge against an officer must go to the officer in obedience to
Matthew 18:15-20 and Galatians 6:1-5. If the problem is not resolved, the person with the
charge against an officer should immediately go to an elder and request that they go to the
officer together. If the problem is still not resolved, they should go to the council of elders, who
will, if necessary, present the matter to the congregation. The congregation may remove any
officer, other than an elder, with a majority of votes cast. No accusation against an elder will be
considered except on the basis of at least three witnesses, and an elder who continues to sin
will be rebuked publicly (1 Timothy 5:19-20).
Section 4 An elder’s term of office may be terminated involuntarily. Members representing at
least three households may request that the council of elders evaluate an elder’s ministry. The
council of elders must then determine whether a vote of confidence should be taken. Should
they choose to conduct a vote of confidence, the elder must be notified, privately, one week
before any announcement, and must be told the schedule for the meetings required for such a
A vote of confidence requires two meetings, one for discussion and one for the vote. The vote
of confidence must be announced over three consecutive Sundays. The first meeting will take
place between the second and third announcements. At this meeting, each side will be given
opportunity to present its case fairly and objectively. The second meeting will take place after
the third announcement. At this meeting, a vote will be taken, but no discussion will be
permitted. A two-third’s affirmative vote of members present is required for the elder to
continue his ministry at Emmanuel. Should a vote of confidence not be sustained, or should the
pastor resign after being notified of the vote of confidence but before the date of the second
meeting, his term of office will cease immediately. A pastor who resigns or does not sustain a
vote of confidence will receive two months compensation.
Section 1 The church will meet regularly on Sunday for public worship. The Lord's Supper will
be celebrated at times determined by the council of elders.
Section 2 Four regular congregational meetings are required throughout the year. Additional
congregational meetings will be held as necessary. Each meeting must be announced at least
one week in advance.
If a vote is to be taken, a quorum consisting of a minimum of 30 percent of members residing in
Indiana must be present at the beginning of the meeting.
Section 3 Congregational meetings will be moderated by an elder. Meetings will follow the
regulations set forth in this constitution and the parliamentary procedure described by Robert's
Rules of Order.
Section 4 The four required congregational meetings will be quarterly meetings held in the
months of January, April, July and October. The vote to approve the annual budget will be held
at the January meeting and the budget will be retroactive to the first day of the year. The
election of officers will be held during the month of December. Newly elected officers will
assume their responsibilities at the beginning of the new year.
Any member may submit a written proposal for constitutional amendments or revisions to the
council of elders. The council of elders will consider the proposal and report its decision to the
person who submitted it. The council of elders will propose constitutional amendments and
revisions to the congregation. The proposal and the date of the vote must be announced for
two consecutive weeks prior to the vote and the text of the proposal must be available to the
congregation during this time. A two-third’s majority of votes cast is necessary for ratification
or revision of the amendments.