ne 2022 The Monthly Newsleer of Turner Chrisan Church Volume 17; Issue 6
are called to share Jesus in creative and intentional ways, through: Connecting with
God and His Church, Growing in Faith and Love, and Serving Our Community and World.
There are lots of excing things happening this summer!
We always have awesome events in the summerlike Convenon, summer camp and vacaon
bible schoolbut this summer we also have some exciting changes happening here in the building!
First of all, I am excited to announce that we are taking on a summer intern!
Grace Brown will be serving part-me with our youth & family ministry and
worship teams this summer. Grace is from right here in Turner, and she’s
going into her senior year at Bushnell University. Make sure and welcome
her when you see her!
Second of all, we are making some
changes to the doors in the church.
The oce door and western hallway
doors have goen full-length windows
that let in a lot more light, and we’re
adding keypads to the oce entrance
and the rear entrance west of the Fel-
lowship Hall.
If you are a resident of Eden Circle or Mill Creek and walk to church, you can contact the church
oce for a code to get into the church though the back door. Thank you so much to Robert Wal-
born for doing the work on these projects!
Finally, we’re making some changes to the classrooms so that we will have a new youth room, a
children’s ministry room, and several classrooms. Thank you to everyone who’s working on
painng and rearranging the room!
More excing than all these changes, however, is every opportunity we have over these coming
months to share the love of God with each other and our community. I am looking forward to it all!
What Summer Acvies
Should I Get Involved With and Why?
When it comes to the summer season, many people
make me for a vacaon. Summer is when good weather
comes around and road trips, outdoor acvies, and so
much more are enjoyed to make the season that much more fun! For churches, the summer brings a
lot of unique programming. So, as we go into the summer season, I wanted to highlight a few unique
opportunies and why you might consider geng involved in them!
First, I’d love to encourage you to check out the Northwest Chrisan Convenon! This is a week-long
event here in Turner at the Oregon Chrisan Camp and Event Center right next door to our building!
So, if you’re a part of our church here in Turner, you are within a few minutes of this great event! The
best thing is, you can parcipate however you’d like! Do you want to see a specic speaker? Great!
You can do that! You want to be at the sessions? Awesome! Have to work throughout the week and
can only come on Saturday? We’d love to see you there! It is a full week of wonderful speakers, work-
shops, worship, fellowship, acvies, and more. I really hope you might consider aending. There is
more informaon about this event on the Northwest Chrisan Network website.
Next, I’d love to encourage you to check out our Sunday classes throughout the summer! On Sunday
mornings at 9:00 am, we have Sunday classes here in the church building. Our current classes will run
through June 12
! We’d sll love to have you aend one of these classes. Beyond that, we will take a
two week break for our Sunday classes. Then we will start up two new classes on July 3
! These two
classes will nish o our summer. More informaon is to come on the details of these classes, but I
can tell you, you won’t want to miss them!
Lastly, I’d love to encourage you to consider serving at a couple of our youth and children’s events!
We have an annual VBS event that helps us connect with children and their families, help them grow,
and hopefully plug them into the church! There are many dierent ways to get plugged into VBS and I
know that we could nd a place for you that uses your special gis, talents, and abilies. I’d encourage
you to reach out to Pastor Rachel if you are interested!
One other event I’d love to encourage you to consider serving in is high school camp this year! Pas-
tor Rachel and I have the opportunity to be direcng high school camp at Camp Koinonia this year.
We’d love to chat with you about serving at this week-long camp. Camp can be such an important
week for students, and we want to do everything we can to invest in the kids who will be there. We
want to make it a week they will never forget with posive, safe, and encouraging adults pouring into
them! We hope you might consider joining us this year for camp! If you have quesons or are interest-
ed in camp, feel free to contact me or Pastor Rachel!
We have two new reference books in the
Library! Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines
is full of great me lines and maps from
every period of the Bible. There is a com-
panion book tled Chronology of the Bible
which has a great summary of the many
events of the Bible.
About Dreams!
Tues, July 26Sat, July 30
9:0011:30 am
Pre-registraon available on:
Welcome to VBS 2022, Jerusalem Marketplace!
This summer your child is going to take a trip
back in me to see what life was like when Jesus
walked the earth! Through fun songs, cras,
outdoor games, and dramas, your child will ex-
plore the 1st Century, and learn about Jesus.
And don't miss the extra-fun on Saturdaythe
whole family is invited along for morning VBS
and a barbecue lunch aerwards. It's all free!
And come back again Sunday! The kids will help
lead worship by singing some VBS songs on the
stage for worship, and the service will be fol-
lowed by a church potluck.
It makes sense. I spent the last week in Eastern Oregon, dipping my toes into all Wallowa County has to oer. I
gazed at majesc, snow-capped mountains. I put the ps of my ngers into ice-cold water. I explored down-
town Joseph. I froze in snowy, rainy, hailing weather.
It was a good trip, made into a really good trip by my company. My enre immediate family―two siblings, their
spouses, their kids, my parents, and a beloved uncle―were able to join me there. It was a week of good food,
great conversaon, and real relaxaon.
It wasn’t the trip I had planned.
I have wanted to explore the northeastern corner of the state for the past 10 years. I have dreamed of hiking up
to stunning overlooks and back into hidden, prisne lakes. I have imagined intense sweang, and incredible
pride as I labored to the sights I have seen pictures of. Instead, I was nursing a foot injury, barely able to walk a
half mile without intense pain.
What do we do when our dreams don’t pan out?
If you’re not a traveler this may all seem a lile silly to you. Who put that much emphasis on a lake? Well, I do.
Hiking is a solace to me. It’s one way I connect with the Lord. As someone who can get lost in their brain, it al-
ways grounds me to the here and now-grateful for the world that God has made, delighng in silence and pour-
ing out my heart to Him.
Instead of silent ponderings, I huddled in a noisy RV with rambuncous nieces and nephews. And I stayed in
camp and rested while members of my family got to go adventure.
But oh, am I grateful.
There is a certain kind of beauty when one lets go of control. I cannot fix my foot, only choose behaviors that
help it heal. I cannot climb mountains right now, only delight in the stories of those that got to. I can trust in the
presence of the God who hears our hearts on quiet mountaintops and in crowded
This wasn’t the trip I dreamed of, but I think it was the trip I needed. In sweet mo-
ments with my sister, in cuddling up next to my dad, or goong around with one of
my nephews . . . in reading to a young niece, or chang with my brother-in-law . . .
there were so many good moments. Moments that I would have missed traipsing
across hilltops. And though I sincerely hope that God provides me to the opportuni-
ty to return to Wallowa and climb those peaks, my bigger hope is that contentment
will be more and more woven into the fabric of the way I live. So that whatever I do,
and whoever I am doing it with, I am grateful to God for all that he provides.
. . .whatever you do, . . .whatever you do,
whether in word or deed, whether in word or deed,
do it all in the name of do it all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving the Lord Jesus, giving
to God the Father to God the Father
through Him. through Him. Col. 3:17Col. 3:17
-Memorial Service-
A Memorial Service for Ralph Holcomb
will be held at Turner Chrisan Church on June
20, 2022 at 3:00 pm.
Ty McLean was bapzed into Christ by Pastor
Jack on May 8, 2022. Ty is in the process of en-
lisng in the U.S. Navy.
Dakota Richards
graduated from Sprague High School
The congregaon is invited to aend a Recepon
for Dakota on Sunday, June 5th from 10:00
10:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.
Calista Leatherman
graduated from Western Oregon University
First person to call or bring in all the correct
answers to the church oce wins a prize!
What Am I?
1. I am full of holes, but I can hold water.
2. What gets wet when drying?
3. What are two things people never eat before
4. What is it the more you take away, the larger it
5. What has two hands and a face, but no arms or
6. What has four legs and only one foot?
7. What has many keys, but can’t open any doors?
Stches of Love will host a meeng on Saturday,
June 18, 2022 from 10AM to Noon. All ladies and
their friends are welcome.
This meeng is mostly social. Many ladies make
quilts and other items that go out to dierent
organizaons. It would be great if these ladies
came and brought a sample of what they do and
shared what they did. Isn’t it a blessing to know
that the projects we make with love go out
across America and around the world.
So far this year there have been around 200 caps
made and several draw string bags and small
quilts. They are all beauful and will go in the
shoeboxes for Operaon Christmas Child. We can
use all that you make so keep on stching, cro-
cheng, kning or ?? This is another wonderful
blessing going from our church to the world.
All items have been made from donaon of fab-
ric and yarn from church members and their
friends. There have been over 5000 items made
since 2008. All items have been made with love.
It is our prayer that the children who receive the
quilts and other items will know that someone
loves them even though they do not know them.
Most of all we want the children to know that
God loves them.
If you have excess yarn and fabric, we could put
it to good use. We always appreciate your pray-
ers and donaons of me, yarn fabric.
Please call if you have any quesons. (503-769-
2862). Thank you, Elizabeth O’Dell
To serve on the rst Sunday of each month for
the worship service (10:15 am12:00 noon).
Please contact Vicky Remy or the church oce if
you are interested!
In our missions commiee meengs, we have been learning about the role of western Chrisans
in global missions. We can no longer operate under an “west to east” kind of mentality. We need
to be true partners.
One of the most important ways of determining our role is LISTENINGlistening to the specic,
and oen unique, situaons of a mission (e.g. the religious/polical climate of the locaon, the
skills we oer, the condion of the church there, the willingness of us to adapt to the others’ cus-
toms and language, and the region’s opinions of North America).
Paul Borthwick, in Western Chrisans in Global Missions, gives some specic
ways that we need to “listen.” The rst, and probably the most important, is
to be a friend. We need to get to know and walk alongside them as true
brothers and sisters. Soluons can only be oered aer creang a relaon-
ship. A relaonship requires lots of listening.
Second, we need to listen or learn from history. We need to learn from our mistakes, especially
ones in which our individualism, power paradigms, racism, and consumerism has hurt our ability
to work together.
Third, we need to listen to their suering. We must understand the kinds of sacrices and suer-
ing that a group of people have had and how it aects their faith. Unl we understand that, our
teaching will be hard for them to accept.
Fourth, we need to listen to their perspecves on theology and the context of ministry. We all
interpret Scripture through our own cultural lenses. Further, for many non-Western brothers and
sisters, the American concept of separaon of church and state is impossible. For many of them,
religion crosses every threshold of society: government, educaon, family, economy, and culture.
Lastly, we need to listen to their calls to serve the poor
and resist the urge to simply send money. We need to
pray with them and plan with them and then share any
skills we have which could help them be self-sucient.
Many mes, advocacy is more important than charity.
They may not want what we want. Poor people need to be
asked repeatedly what they think.
let the wise listen and add to their learning,
and let the discerning get guidance
Proverbs 1:5
Who else is ready for some Shoebox packing? Our Community Packing Party is approaching
rapidly and we're looking forward to working together to make the best use of the good gis that
God is providing through His trusted servants
This year's Community Packing Party will take place on Sunday, August 21, at 2:00 p.m. Salem
Evangelical Church has graciously offered use of their gymnasium again this year for this
event. With the financial, prayer, and volunteer support of congregations, businesses, and individ-
uals, we are anticipating the packing of 1200 Shoeboxes during our time together on August 21.
There are many ways that you can be a part of this amazing Community eort to bring the Gospel
to the ends of the earth. We are connuing to collect items in our donaon baskets in the TCC
lobby. We are sll accepng your monetary gis to use for purchasing Shoebox items or to be
used to cover the cost of geng these Shoeboxes to their ulmate desnaons for distribu-
on. There is always room for more volunteers to help in many ways on the weekend of the
Packing Party. You could even consider coming on board one of the local Operaon Christmas
Child service teams.
We are grateful to hear that there are many in our congregaon who connue to support this
ministry to children around the world in the name of our Father―a Father who desires that eve-
ryone hear and have a chance to accept His plan of salvaon. We are excited about a few upcom-
ing events that will get our congregaon involved in fun ways. Our kids in Junior Worship will be
focusing on Shoeboxes during their 5-week Service Project that began in May and connues
through most of June. They will be collecng items for and packing
a few Shoeboxes of their own while also working on some school
supplies and hair accessories for our Community Shoe-
boxes. Wow!! There may also be plans in the works for more op-
portunies during this year's VBS and Trunk-or-Treat events. We'll
keep you posted on those as they draw nearer.
As always, I am willing to answer whatever quesons you may have
regarding this Mission/Ministry. You may email, text, or call and I
will do my best to give you the informaon you need.
―Ann Stoker
Send Good
News and
Great Joy!
June 2022
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Ladies Bible
Adult Sermon-
Based Study-6pm
Music & AV
Teams9:30 am
6:30 pm
Cub Scouts
6:30 pm
Ladies Movie &
Prayer Night
6:30 pm
Missions Team
Meeng9 am
City of Turner
Celebraon Day
9:00 Sunday Classes
10:30 Worship
Bldg & Online
Youth Group
6:00-7:30 pm
Kid’s Club
6:00-7:30 pm
Parents’ Group
6:00-7:30 pm
Men’s Discussion
Group8:00 am
Food Bank
9:00-11:30 am
Sta Mtg - 10 am
Small Group
10:00 am
Gary Tin
Elders Meeng
6:00 pm
Drama Team
6:30 pm
Ladies Bible
Adult Sermon-
Based Study-6pm
Music & AV
Teams9:30 am
Cub Scouts
6:30 pm
Lile Lamb
10:00 am
1:00 pm
9:00 Sunday Classes
10:30 Worship
Bldg & Online
Board Mtg
4:30 pm
Youth Group
6:00-7:30 pm
Men’s Discussion
Group8:00 am
Food Bank
9:00-11:30 am
Sta Mtg - 10 am
Y.I.T. Mtg3:30
Small Group
10:00 am
Gary Tin
Drama Team
6:30 pm
Adult Sermon-
Based Study-6pm
Music & AV
Teams9:30 am
Last Day of
Lile Lamb
School Term
Stches of Love
10:30 Worship
Bldg & Online
Men’s Discussion
Group8:00 am
Food Bank
9:00-11:30 am
Sta Mtg - 10 am
Ralph Holcomb
Memorial3 pm
Community Gar-
den Mtg 3:00 pm
No meengs in
TCC building.
Men’s Discussion
Group8:00 am
Food Bank
9:00-11:30 am
Sta Mtg - 10 am
Small Group
10:00 am
Gary Tin
Drama Team
6:30 pm
Adult Sermon-
Based Study-6pm
Music & AV
Teams9:30 am
GreenOnline Meengs
Black-Meeng in Building
We Invite All Ladies to Join Us for Fun, Fellowship and Prayer!
We will watch West Side Story (2021 version) and then we will share in a me of fel-
lowship and prayer. “West Side Story” is an adaptaon of the 1957 musical which tells
the classic story of erce rivalries, surprising love, and dawn of hope.
Bring a friend and a snack to share!
Friday, June 3rd
Ladies Movie &
Prayer Night!
6:30 pm
Northwest Chrisan ConvenonOregon Chrisan Convenon Grounds
Worship at
NW Chrisan
10:00 am
Oce Hours: Call us: Look us up at:
MondayThursday: 8:00am2:00pm 503-743-2119 www.TurnerChrisanChurch.com
Friday: 8:00am11:00 am Facebook:/turnerchrisan/OR
Mahew Holmes….……Senior Ministerma@turnerchrisanchurch.com Sunday Morning Schedule
Jack Holvey……..……..Associate Ministerjack@turnerchrisanchurch.com Adult Bible Classes at 9:00 am
Rachel White….…..Associate Ministerrachel@turnerchrisanchurch.com Worship Service at 10:30 am
Jules Roberto………..Preschool Directorjules@turnerchrisanchurch.com Online Worship at 10:30 am
Jerry Sygney……..Oce Administratoroce@turnerchrisanchurch.com
Alexander Chrisan Foundaon Golf Tournament
Monday, June 20, 2022 • Sanam Golf Club
7:30 am Registraon, Refreshments, Pung Contest
8:30 am Welcome, Rules, Prayer
9:00 am Shotgun Start
12:00 pm Lunch Buet, Rae, Silent Aucon, Prizes
for Students
Preparing for
Combined Worship Service at the Oregon Chrisan Convenon
Sunday, June 26th at 10:00 am
Each summer we meet with other Chrisans aending the Oregon Chrisan
Convenon for Sunday worship. There will be no meengs at TCC that day.