Randall Presbyterian Church ~ Randall, MN
July 2022
Message from Michael
There was an article that compared people
who participate in a church to four types of
people who might be pictured on a ship.
The crew are the active leaders of the
church. They normally include Elders,
Deacons, Sunday School teachers, etc. but
also include those you know will be there
for workdays, fellowship activities and
special worships. They are the Spiritual
Leaders of the congregation.
The passengers are those people we
normally see only on Sunday mornings, and
maybe a few special activities. They may
not be overly active, but they are dedicated
and committed people.
The stowaways are the fringe people, the
ones we might see once a month or so. The
pirates are those who hamper the ministry.
The article said the challenge of the church
was to enable passengers to become part of
the crew and move stowaways at least to
the position of passengers. The church
needs to identify the pirates, and if not able
to move them to passenger, at least be able
to neutralize their impact on the ministries
of the congregation. The ultimate goal is to
bring everyone on board the mission and
purpose of the church.
There is a value in being aware of the
people in the congregation, and develop
means of moving them to a deeper, more
spiritual relationship with God. What I
didn’t like about the article was the
negative connotations to the term’s
stowaways and pirates. Stowaway implies
they really should not be on board. Instead,
I see these more as people who just haven’t
quite made it on board yet. We need to let
these people know that they are welcomed
and help them become more comfortable in
finding their role in the ministry of the
There are members who tend to hamper
ministry. They might hamper the growth of
the church by always putting there desires
and needs first, but these are still loving,
faithful children of God. The church needs
to find ways to use their energy more
productively. (
I have experienced pirates in
other congregations, but I have not yet
identified any at Randall.)
The article asks church members, “Where
are you on the ship? Is it time to get on
This article was written pre-pandemic.
Continuing the metaphor of a ship, Covid
was a storm in the ocean. The ship has
been battered, but still afloat. Everyone on
board has been tossed about. Some of them
might have been tossed completely off the
The storm is over, and we are repairing the
ship. It is time to get out the lifeboats, and
search for those who fell overboard. We
won’t find them all, but we may also find
people who are looking for a lifesaver and a
ship to come home. It may take a larger
crew. So, ask yourself, “Where is God
calling me to be on this ship we call Randall
Presbyterian Church?”
It is Randall Presbyterian Church’s turn to
serve at Food Shelf. This is a wonderful
way to serve the community. If you can
help talk to Terry Coffin or Geri McLennan
A leader is needed for each of the Job Sites:
Hard Hat Site (Crafts/Projects)
Scales (Music)
Break Time (Recreation)
Blue Print (Bible Activities)
As well as volunteers to help with meals,
snack, and assist in many other ways! For
more information, join us in ou
The church's lawn should be mowed
weekly, usually on Thursday or Friday. A
riding mower is available. A signup sheet is
at the church, or on line. Contact Jim
Skoog or Dan Thilquist for more details.
Perkins Bible Study
Thursday Mornings at 9:30 a.m.
Will Continue Through the Summer
Bring your bible and join us at the Little
Falls Perkins for a late breakfast, early
lunch, just coffee, or come just for the study
and fellowship. The study is lead by Nancy
June* & July Birthdays
Sara Wester Jun 1
Blake Yorek Jun 8
Sherri Weikert Jun 15
Cathy Boyd Jun 28
Sue Fenske Jun 30
Nathan Ballou July 2
Cody Brott July 6
Betsy Hyenga July 3
Briana Waldoch July 11
Kole Waldoch July 14
Jake Farrow July 18
Beverly Pietz July 20
Caleb Vetsch July 20
Corbin Lashinski July 21
Nolan Waldoch July 22
Terry Coffin July 23
Chad Ballou July 24
Meghan Ballou July 28
Bob Keeton July 29
*June birthdays were inevitably left out of
the June Lamplighter, but it is never too
late to wish someone a Happy Birthday!
“May God Bless Each of You &
May You Have a Happy Birthday”
Worship Assistants provide a valuable ser-
vice to the church and the weekly worship.
Any age, member or not, are encouraged to
participate. Volunteers can signup at the
church or online.
The following poem was written by
Minnesota resident Laura Kelly Fanucci.
She writes a syndicated column, “Faith at
Home.” It was written in 2020, in the midst
of the pandemic. 2 years later, I wonder,
have we become, “more like the people we
wanted to be?”
"When this is over, may we never again
take for granted
A handshake with a stranger
Full shelves at the store
Conversations with neighbors
A crowded theater
Friday night out
The taste of communion
A routine checkup
The school rush each morning
Coffee with a friend
The stadium roaring
Each deep breath
A boring Tuesday
Life itself.
When this ends
may we find
that we have become
more like the people
we wanted to be
we were called to be
we hoped to be
and may we stay
that way better
for each other
because of the worst."
Laura Kelly Fanucci is a writer and the director of
the Communities of Calling Initiative, housed at the
Collegeville Institute at Saint John's University.
She earned her Master of Divinity from Saint John's
School of Theology and her BA from the University
of Notre Dame.
Her writing has been featured in numerous online
outlets including NPR’s On Being, the Christian
Century, and Blessed Is She.
Laura has authored six books, including Grieving
Together: A Couple's Journey through Miscarriage.
For the rest of the summer, we will be
looking at some of the healing miracles of
Jesus. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus
performed miracles transforming the lives
of those he touched. Join us on Sunday
mornings as we examine some of these
miracles, and how they help us understand
our faith today.
July 10 Mark 1:29-34
Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law
Sick With Fever
July 17 Mark 1:40-45
Jesus Cleanses a Man With Leprosy
July 24 Mark 2:1-12
Jesus Heals a Paralytic Who Was
Let Down From the Roof
July 31 Mark 3:1-6
Jesus Heals a Man's Withered Hand
on the Sabbath
August 7 Mark 5:21-34
Jesus Heals a Woman in the Crowd
With an Issue of Blood
August 14 Luke 7:1-10
Jesus Heals a Centurion's Paralyzed
Servant in Capernaum
August 21 A Special Message about
Habitat for Humanity.
August 28 Luke 7:11-17
Jesus Raises a Widow's Son From
the Dead in Nain
MINUTES OF SESSION – June 15, 2022
Members present: Terry Coffin, Jake Farrow, Sue Fenske, Christi Hartwell, Chris Magee, and Moderator Reverend
Michael Hartwell. Members excused: Marlys Olson. Members absent: None. Others present: None.
The regular meeting of the Session was called to order at 6:31 p.m. in the basement of Randall Presbyterian Church by
Moderator Reverend Michael Hartwell, who opened the meeting with prayer. A quorum was declared as is shown by
those in attendance. A quick check in was also done to see how everyone was doing and if there were any prayer con-
cern updates.
Approval of Minutes: The May 18, 2022 Session Meeting minutes were previously sent out by email to session for
their review. Session approved the minutes as written; the minutes were included in the June Lamplighter newsletter.
Approval of Treasurers Report: Summary of the May 2022 Balance Sheet – Current Total Assets: $143,388.18
(Checking: $174.41, Savings: $143,213.77). Motion to receive the Treasurer reports as discussed was made by Jake
Farrow, seconded by Christi Hartwell. Motion carried.
Pastors Report: Perkins Bible Study, Thursday, May 19; Pastor Cohort Zoom Meeting, Monday, May 23;
Presbyterys Inventive Ministries Zoom meeting, Tuesday, May 24; The Academy Board Zoom Meeting,
Wednesday, May 25, Perkins Bible Study, Thursday, May 26; Memorial Day Service, VFW (Prayers and
Taps); Commission on Leadership Zoom Meeting, Thursday, June 2; Pastor Cohort Zoom Meeting, Monday,
June 6; Presbytery Zoom Meeting, Tuesday, June 7; Perkins Bible Study, Thursday, June 9; Pastor Cohort
Zoom Meeting, Monday, June 13; Randall Area Business Group, Tuesday, June 14
Continuing Education:
The Academy, July 25-29. (No Sunday involved)
Pastors Retreat, September 19-20 (No Sunday Involved)
September 9 -11, (Includes Sunday)
September 28- 30 (No Sunday Involved)
Church Rolls and Register Report: On June 12, 2022, Sue Fenske was ordained and installed as a Ruling
Elder for the Class of 2024.
Worship/Membership/Mission Report: Worship is being held outdoors for the months of June, July and
August, weather permitting. Average weekly attendance is currently 36. We will continue to have indoor wor-
ship on the first Sunday of each month for communion during this period. There will be no live streaming or
recorded worship services during this time.
26 were served Communion on June 5, 2022.
72 members; no change.
Monthly church mission is the Morrison County Food Shelf and the weekly church mission is Meals on
May/June Mission: Pentecost
Fellowship: Morrison County Food Shelf on Thursday, May 26
with three members from church volunteer-
Christian Education Report: Vacation Bible School for K through 6th Grade will begin on August 15th
through August 18th; hours will be 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. with supper being served at the end of each day. We are
looking for volunteers to help and teach! See Marlys Olson if you have questions or wish to help.
Building/Maintenance Report: nothing to report.
Presbytery: The Presbytery held a meeting by zoom from 9:00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. on June 7, 2022. Devotion
was given by William McConnell with a break out session discussing the questions relating to the pandemic –
What have we lost?, “What have we gained?and Whats the first step to retain the gained?”; reports from
the various committees were shared along with other business. The Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller was installed
as the new Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery. Terry Coffin, who was on the Presbytery Executive Search
Committee, participated in the installation service in Willmar with other committee members. Pastor Michael
was present by way of Zoom.
Correspondence: Received a Thank you letter from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for our $600 donation.
Deacons Report: nothing to report.
Motion to approve the committee reports as received was made by Chris Magee, seconded by Jake Far-
row. Motion carried.
Old Business:
a. Morrison County Food Shelf – June 30, 2022 will be our next night for volunteering. Everyone is invited to volun-
teer at the Food Shelf. The hours to work are 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Please contact Pastor Michael or Terry
Coffin if you are interested. We need volunteers!!
b. Two new dehumidifiers were purchased and donated to the church for the basement. Pastor Michael runs
them during the week along with the fans to help reduce the humidity issue.
c. The storage room clean-up downstairs and the balcony cleanup and reorganization to be scheduled before fall.
d. Session reviewed the Officer Form for the Presbytery. This will be sent to the Presbytery for their records.
e. The Committee chairs for 2022 will remain the same as in 2021.
f. Environmental Advantage submitted a bid for removal of three spruce trees along property line, clean-up and
stump grinding for approximately $2,700. Chris M. will get a second quote form another tree company to com-
g. July 4
parade in Randall – we will have a float in the parade! Planning includes ordering t-shirts and getting
decorations for the float along with volunteers to participate and help.
h. The community garden in the front of the church has been planted. Feel free to pull some weeds!
i. Financial review has been delayed. Pastor Michael will contact Angie Magee for her assistance with the re-
New Business:
a. No new business for this meeting.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jake Farrow, seconded by Terry Coffin. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m. followed by prayers for the people and the Lords Prayer led by Reverend Michael
Next Meeting date and time: July 20, 2022 @ 6:30 p.m. at the church.
Respectfully submitted by,
Terry L. Coffin
Clerk of Session